Thursday, February 5, 2009


We got up early (this was a trend) and got on our little bus. We traveled even higher into the Andes. We were able to stop and see some AMAZING vistas.

Joey with the "sacred valley" behind him.

Justin and Angelique. I must say the air was pretty thin up here. Angelique was really tough, I thought she might struggle being pregnant. But she didn't (tough Idaho stock).

Two little girls we met with their baby llama, Cholito Luis Miguel. These girls were like 10. So short!

One of the gateways to the incan trail. Runners (Chasquis) would run from the ocean up the Andes Mountains, they could make the trip in 4 days running. Joey went super far and then ran back...trying to be a Chasqui.

We got to visit a llama farm. (There were many different types, Alpaca, Vicuna...hmm, I forgot the other kind) Here is a good picture of us using the portable chairs. I know you all wish you had one.

Joey, putting alfalfa in his mouth to make the baby vicuna kiss him.

We learned how they dye the wool.

This is a picture of a woman and her daughter weaving. The baby is 2...Grace's age. I need to put her to work. This baby was adorable and was totally hamming it up for the cameras.

Click on this picture and get a good look at Angelique's expression. Priceless.
More kissing....Joey blamed the extreme sickness he got later that night on this. Funny. I think it was eating the street food, or using the water to brush his teeth.

Funny picture, my mom and I are making the same quirky and squinty face.

Next we went to some ruins called Otayllabamba. (Please correct me mom, I'm just winging it) It was quite the climb.

At the bottom, we jumped over a rope to take a picture of the still existing waterways. Notice the three tiered carvings. This was very significant to the inca people.

After this hard day of climbing in high altitude, we went to Uribamba to stay in a beautiful hotel that is a monastary. Most of my pictures turned out blurry (spooky). But it was gorgeous and romantic. We had an amazing meal. During the night Joey got REALLY sick.

Even blurry, you can tell how picturesque this was!


Earl Family said...

I am absolutely loving all of your updates. I feel like I am seeing Peru through you. It may be as close as I ever get.

Keep them coming!

Douglas and Connie Jones Earl said...

Ollantaytambo. LOVE MOM