My goal today was to update my blog. A couple of hours ago, I fed my newborn, quickly cleaned my kitchen and living room, put on a show for my girls (yeah...mother of the year, right?) and ran into the office to sit at the computer. Then I heard "wahhh" it was my baby crying, then Grace yelled "mom, I peed in the pantry" (did I mention I am potty training today? is NOT going well!). Within ten minutes my boys had gotten home from school and started getting snacks, so there goes the kitchen. I walked through my bedroom and water was dripping from the the fire alarm on my ceiling, and I can't find the source. Carolina just informed me she is hungry, oh Grace just peed again, and I feel it coming on, it's time to nurse again. So I guess you are all updated. This is my life. Are we having fun yet?
I don't like to post without a picture, so here is one of my new addition, Fiona Calista...along with her cousin Henry Ephraim (notice the adorable BYU onesies we made for the big game on Saturday...which was awesome by the way!)

I have trouble updating my blog, and I don't near the amount of distractions as you do! So good for you for even doing this. :)
I am sorry that your post made me laugh so hard. It sounds like a mother of 5 children!
Thanks for that.
I liked hearing what 'A Day in the Life of Calista Emig' is like. Seems pretty crazy and entertaining.
Great picture of the twin cousins.
Yea for you! you're doing great!
What a day! I'd like to tell you that it doesn't get any worse than that - but you already know that it does. It made for a great post, though! Thanks for the smile.
Just reading it made me tired. you are superwoman. :)
Mike and I were just talking about how awesome we find you and Joey. Sometimes we forget to tell the amazing people in our life how amazing we find them. I'm fixing that right now. You and Joey are amazing :)
You are amazing parents. I don't know how you do it all. That baby is so adorable... I can't wait to cover her with kisses this weekend!!! See you soon!!!
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