Tyson, my first baby boy, is now huge, and nearly a man. He had a fun birthday with his buddies. He chose to go down to byu for his birthday...to the byu hall of fame, and then bowling at the Wilkinson Center.
From L to Right, Jason, Jack, Tyson, Tanner, Casey, Robbie, Oli, and Philip:

This awesome guy Robert, could tell he was dealing with some serious BYU fans, and gave us an EXTENSIVE tour of the facility, including taking us back to see the team in a closed practice, and lots of behind the scenes stuff.

The boys, watching the team practicing.

Educating the boys on important BYU stuff:

Then it was off to bowl. On the way to the Wilk, the boys saw Noah Hartsock from the basketball team, and chased him down to say hello. Here are the boys:

Ty and best buddy Casey:

Who loves bowling?

You know your kid is old when he is excited by a present like this:

A quick stop to the creamery and presto: the best birthday EVER! (By the way...Ashley watched my girls so that I could be "in the moment"...which was the best idea ever!!! So much less stressful than usual. Thanks Ashley!)

Tyson loves sports so much and loves to play football, baseball and basketball. He enjoys video games (mostly sports ones) fantasy sports and emailing his cousins and grandma. He is the classic first child, extremely responsible and helpful. He is great with little kids. Things I want to remember: his awesome smile, how good he helps in the morning, his sense of humor, hugginess. Things I would rather forget: some occasional eye rolling, and lots of funny words...ie-tat, whaaaat? saaaa-hick, geek. Tyson is a wonderful person. I am so proud to be his mama.