Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Carolina Said Today

After day two of kindergarten, this is what Carolina said to me: (I quickly wrote it down word for word so I could get it right) "Mom, I'm starting to love this boy because he said I'm kinda beautiful."

Here we go...


ashleyboice said...

And that is how it all starts. Hilarious.

Samantha said...

That is HILARIOUS!! I love that girl. I wonder if shell remember that forever. When we lived in peru, when I was in kindergarten a boy whispered in my ear, "why is your hair golden like sleeping beauties?" haha. Or that's what my kindergarten mind remembers anyway.

I love that carolina.

emily said...

One night, shortly after Avery started Kindergarten, she was still awake in her bed, like, two hours after I put her down. When I went in to talk with her about why she wasn't going to sleep, she told me in a very serious tone that it was because she just couldn't decide whether she was going to marry Jacob or Kyler. I think maybe cut from the same cloth???

Douglas and Connie Jones Earl said...

That will not be the first time she hears those words. It is the truth after all.
Love Grandma Connie

Lindsay said...

Oh boy! The joys of raising girls :) That is the cutest thing Cali! I love that girl!

gramyflys said...

That exotic little beauty of yours is going to break a lot of hearts before this is over...

TY and Jack said...


Earl Family said...

That is so awesome.

Thanks for making me giggle.

Earl Family said...


Sorry I couldn't watch your kids for the BYU game. :(

AJ said...

How cute is that. Glad that you wrote it down. It may come in handy someday. Miss you guys!

Allison said...

That is awesome! Raising girls seems to be a WHOLE lot different than raising boys, though! Oh, and that boy was totally right...she's gorgeous!