In December we received the news that Joey's Grandpa Christensen passed away. We were sad, and so happy. He was 93 years old. He was an amazing man. I feel so honored that I got to know him. When we were in law school we lived in the same complex with grandma and grandpa and I had the opportunity to spend lots of time with him. He was gentle, kind, funny and charismatic.

A big thank you to Southwest Airlines for helping our family to get to the funeral! We took the boys and Fiona. It was nice to be able to see all of Joey's family, and right before Christmas too. Here are the boy cousins, practicing their musical number, Called to Serve". It was powerful. I was in 2 musical numbers as well, I Know that my Redeemer Lives and Silent Night. The funeral was wonderful.

Joey was a pallbearer.
Joey was a pallbearer.
Fiona got to meet tons of Arizona family. Here she is with "Auntie Allison".
We had a great experience. One negative though...Joey was playing football with all the little kids in the park and he re-injured his ankle. He had been limping since August on a bad calf/ankle from a flag football injury. When we got back to Utah and took him to the doctor we found out that he had ruptured his Achilles tendon and would have to go in for surgery the next day. It turns out that he had a partial tear all along, and then tore it again. Thus began one of the hardest 6 weeks in my life! He couldn't put ANY weight on it and had to use crutches to get around.
Funerals can be so bitter sweet. I'm glad Joey and you had such a great influence in your lives. PS I also love that your Grandma Jones is a closet Twilight total denial!
I am loving your updates. You are catching up quickly! Good work.
That sure was a time of celebration for the life of a great man. I miss him very much. And he was actually 94...and a half!! Whoa! That's pretty old. We loved having you all here to say goodbye to him. Thanks for coming.
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