I have purposely NOT posted about having my little darling Fiona. My labor and delivery were horrible. I almost can't think about it. It is too soon. I am so happy with the result, however. So I will post pictures and details, I know that later I will want them. I took notes on a pad by my bed.
I checked in at 6:30 am. My first blood pressure reading was pretty high.
At 9:00 am Dr. Baxter broke my water.
11:00 the unavoidable "magnesium sulfate"...my blood pressure was just too high. This medicine is awful, you feel hot, confused, floppy. It gives you a bad headache, it is hard for your eyes to focus and for me it brings on horrible nausea. I included this picture of me feeling druggy...
11:00 the unavoidable "magnesium sulfate"...my blood pressure was just too high. This medicine is awful, you feel hot, confused, floppy. It gives you a bad headache, it is hard for your eyes to focus and for me it brings on horrible nausea. I included this picture of me feeling druggy...
Throughout the afternoon I had a visist from my mom and Ashley and my mom in law. I felt very "magged out". I felt like I was flying or on a hot air baloon and I had a really bad headache. I threw up a few times, and progressed slowly (very slowly) throughout the day. They kept checking me and I was staying at a 6 to 7 for a long time. I really wanted to have my baby before the shift change at 5:00.
Ash and I: the pregnant sisters! We were quite the talk of the hospital.
My labor was slow going. Then I all the sudden felt like the baby was coming out, lots of pain and pressure. The nurse re-checked me and it was time. I really felt this baby get born. I don't know what was happening with my epidural. Yikes. So in a haze of pain and intense nausea, Fiona Calista was born at 6:56 pm. She was: 6 lb 13 oz, 19.5 inches long.
My father in law was able to run in and see Fiona before running out the door to catch a plane. My Mom in law stayed to help with my kids. I was so glad to have her there to hold my hand and be a great advocate for me.

Okay, so I look ABSOLUTELY horrible in these pictures. I hesitated posting them, but the truth of the matter is, this IS WHAT I LOOKED LIKE. I was so sick.
Justin and Angelique. One wierd side note, because of swine flu no kids were able to visit the hospital. Joey had to hold our baby up to the window as the kids looked in from outside the hospital.
Doctor Baxter and Fi. I love this guy. He has delivered 4 of my 5 kids, and I trust him with my life.
The night after I had little Fi is a horrible blur. I had to continue on the medication. My mom stayed with me. She sat/layed in the chair all night and held my hair back for me when I woke up to puke violently...over and over. Thinking about this makes me want to publicly thank my two moms for all their help with this birth. I am so grateful to have such amazing women in my life.
The next day I spent recovering and trying to do so quickly as my sister Ash was induced and progressing so quickly. I was able to get my cath out just in time to hop in a wheelchair (my first time up) and get wheeled 2 doors down just in time to catch the birth of Henry Ephraim.
Oh Cali, just reading about it makes me re-live it again and brings back some scary, scary feelings and sadness for you that it was so traumatic. That darn magnesium. It was horrible for you, I know. I remember at one point crying to myself and thinking, "What if Joey is left to raise these five kids alone?" It was THAT frightening--thinking we could lose you. Lots of prayers were said. I am so glad it is behind us. You were SUCH a trooper. What a beautiful little reward you got for all your trauma.
We love you, Fiona.
this post makes me strangely and sadly nostalgic. It was hard work but what a great run we had being pregnant together. I almost feel like I couldn't do it any other way.
That post should have come with a warning that said "If you haven't had kids yet but you plan on having them please don't read this!" Cali, that sounded horrible! I am so so sorry. I'm so glad that you had so much family around to help you though.
I'm really glad you got the courage to post all that trauma. Hope it doesn't bring on a case of PTSD. I'm real glad you did though, because I wanted nothing more than to be there having my baby with you two. Maybe some day they'll all meet and be friends. (why do I live in alaska, again?) LOVE you, sister.
Oh, and that picture of Dr. Baxter makes me SUPER nostalgic. What is it about that guy...I'm kind of in love...
congrats. So random how I found your blog. Your family is beautiful.
Sue, how did you find me, more importantly, how can I find you?
Cali, my email is rsal_christiansen@hotmail.com. What is yours?
I will never complain about being pregnant or delivering a baby after hearing about your pregnancy/labor/delivery story. So happy baby Fiona is here safe and that you made it through okay.
such a horrible story, but such a happy ending!
and p.s. I'm sure you felt worse than you looked in some of those pictures, cause you were still just as pretty as ever my dear cousin!
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