Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Christmas in July... in a Nutshell

I am catching up as usual. I have decided to do one HUGE Christmas post. It is a hard post to do...lots of pictures. Looking back on it without the stress of the, Christmas looks fun!

I know it is Christmas time when I start seeing reindeer around my house:
Then comes the baking...this was the first of two rounds!

We made mini-gingerbread houses and let the cousins decorate them this year. This was one of Ash's big plans...which we regretted about halfway into making all the gingerbread. I am documenting this so we remember....just BUY the ones from costco to decorate. It was quite the project!! (I will say the outcome was quite adorable however.)

Fiona started taking her first real steps in December, and took off walking on Christmas day. This picture is blurry, but I love the expressions on Jack and Grace's faces.

The always fun, house and tree-decorating event. Notice Grandma Jones (Aha) in her chair. She came to stay with me starting in December. What a treat!

I think she sometimes gets a kick out of watching the family chaos. Here she is really smiling.

Family night, checking out some lights in the Riverwoods.

Jack's school play, he was the main part: Santa!

Jack with his class, performing. I was so proud.

This year, the Emig crew rented a beautiful cabin (home) up Ogden canyon. First we congregated at our house. Once Emily and Jared arrived from Alaska, the party was ON! First up, the BYU game...which we won.

Somehow they decided to go all ROTC and do push-ups every time we scored (one for each point). By halftime they were up to....well I can't remember now, but it was HIGH!! Notice who is NOT doing them. Well, someone had to take the pictures, right? Notice Allison's form...amazing!

Each family had a room in my house. This meant that my girls got to sleep on my floor in a "special bed", which they were thrilled about. I had to snap a picture when I saw that they were holding hands...while visions of sugarplums danced in their heads.

We had so many fun times at the cabin. It was great to be together and let our kids have tons of cousin time.

One of the first days there we received a special package at the door addressed to "Poppy".

Here is Joey reading the attached poem:

What could it be? Something is about to happen as all the aunts and uncles started getting their cameras ready.

Are you ready to meet him? Here he is "Poppy the Penguin"!!!! This full sized grandfather penguin had to preform all kinds of funny tasks to help make sure Christmas was going to come. Wow, can I just say that my dad-in-law is a REALLY GOOD SPORT!!!

So this Christmas consisted of many things....I will call them my favorite things. And it starts with #1, Cousin Bonding!!

There was alot of #2, Adult Fun!! (nothing weird...okay, well slightly.)

Some serious trains going on....

Lots of shenanigans, complements of my brother in laws...

Does it get any better than Jared in "jeggings"?

Okay, then add these 2 characters:

One thing about the Emigs...we LOVE to be together. It was great to put the kids down and play. There was never a dull moment.

Okay, next on my list of Christmas fun #3, CRAFTS:

Then on to #4, FOOD:

Fiona spent a good portion of her time up at the bar eating taco soup.

There are always some tears involved when you mix Carolina Jones and food.
Joey on "dad duty"....ummmmm not it!

Another of my favorite things #5, STORIES WITH GRAMY

Oh yah, and there was an oversized penguin there too!

Another favorite, #6, SITTING AROUND

On to #7, PROJECTS

Emily and I had fun with this. I love Em's face in this one as she is getting the kids all excited for the nativity she had planned.

Which leads to my favorite thing #8.....THERE WERE SHOWS!!!

And #10, there were Elves Elves and more Elves!

And finally there were Presents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The kids lined up by age ready to go down for Christmas morning.

We will call this next group of photos: the big trick! We got our kids xbox 360 games (kinect) not only was our xbox broken, but we didn't have the kinect. You can see how they look a little dissappointed. We said..."Oh, we got the wrong thing, you have to have the connect for these to work? We can return the games....etc. "

Then we had them open a letter that said to look on the computer for their other gift.
They ran to the computer and saw a picture of an xbox 360 with kinect.

Wow, were they surprised.


Douglas and Connie Jones Earl said...

CHRISTMAS? really? Loved it. Dad D

emily said...

I love this post. I wish there were more pictures (and more reality) of Emily and Cali just sitting around girl talking. LOVE you!

Earl Family said...

Those PJ's are about the cutest thing I have ever seen!