This is my brother Mike. Today he turns 20. He is on a mission for the LDS church in Paraguay, and I have been thinking about him all day! When he was born I was 12 years old. He lived in my room, and he was MY BABY! I was so obsessed with this baby. I had so many nicknames for him...I think I will list them as they are awesomely hilarious: Miguel, Miguelito, mi lindito, mi rey, mi principe, mi bonboncito, spiderbaby...most have a spanish twist as my family was living in Peru when he was born(you have to say them in a syrupy shmoopy latiny way), the last one seems random, but he was a real scrawny little guy, and it fit. I changed his diapers (cloth, by the way!), played with him, carried him around on my hip, and even got up with him in the night when he would cry, and hold him until my mom would finally come to nurse him.
Mike was still a kid when I went to college, and it was hard for me to leave him. Now I know that for him, most of his memories of me are as an adult, a married lady. But I have had the privelege of watching him grow up. There were only a couple of years when he wasn't sure if I was lame or not...Remember Mike, when Ash and I were visting Moses Lake and we were at the church when there was a dance happening, and we danced up to you and you were so embarassed? You said "How would you like it if mom and dad did that to you?"
As Michael got older, and I spent lots of time in Moses Lake with my kids, I got to see him interact with them. He is an amazing uncle, and a GREAT example to my children. By the time he was in college, we were getting even closer, and now I consider him one of my favorite people, and definately my friend. I am glad he let me in!
Michael is smart, funny, charismatic, nice, religious, and good-looking. I am so proud to have him as a brother and friend...even though he will always be my baby! Feliz Cumpleanos Miguelito!

Mike is the one on the left!